† ❤ † thoughts on K-pop † ❤ †

K-pop (n.) a musical genre originating in South Korea that is characterized by a wide variety of audiovisual elements.

K-pop, at first glance, could be fun, high, up-beat, and addicting. I gotta admit I have fallen into the K-pop world myself. I personally love artists and music from one well-known Kpop leading company, YG Entertainment. To be precise, G-Dragon and Winner.

G-Dragon a.k.a Kwon Ji Young

Winner (ex: Team A)

However, behind those cute young groups of Korean teens lies many dark unrevealed secrets. There were rumors regarding sexual harassment, abuse, violence, within the k-pop industries. I, hopefully, think that YG’s one of the entertainment that treat artists and trainees well but we don’t know for sure.

I’m hoping someone will stand up regarding this issue. It’s hard seeing these talented young people being treated the way they are.


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